A Sacrificed Fashion Blogger

Lately I’ve had writers block. Not much to say, not much to think about outside of my actual personal life; such as parenting, bills, Christmas you know the whole nine yards. Shopping for myself has not been at the top of my agenda so therefore, I have been at a lost for words with nothing to post regarding my style, thrift finds, inspirations or any bargains.

When you go so long without writing, you stop believing in yourself. You begin to feel this sense of failure and you even become lost in the blogging community, or at least that’s how I felt. We battle ourselves daily, we talk ourselves out of success, and we dwell on the negative, when we are only cheating ourselves out of our birthright.

I did not do any Black Friday shopping, for one reason finances would not allow that secondly, I’m not for the madness. I’m sure there were plenty of deals and sales floating around that I could have benefited from and used for a blog post, but when you are a single parent, you think extra hard about needs and wants, you make your money last and you budget very precisely. Don’t get me wrong, my family is a huge support system but as a mother you always want to make sure you are making wise decisions and your children are put first and never being deprived of their childhood or fun activities so that leaves you to make sacrifices.

I sacrificed my blog this season to make sure my ducks were in a row…. I had and still do have plenty of great ideas floating in my head but as of right now I can not bring those ideas to life. Photo shoots have been on the back burner, along with personal shopping.

You see all these amazing posts and fashion bloggers and think WOW  he/she must be rich! …. but what I have learned is to never compare yourself to another blogger. Never become jealous or feel like you have to keep up with the Joneses because everybody’s situations varies and there is no such thing as a life that is better than yours.* {In my J.Cole voice.}

I will continue to create, build a better blog, grow my audience, and relate to others because that’s primarily why Clothesyourlegs was created. Sometimes a sistah just need time for spiritual maintenance so don’t leave or forsake me just go on this journey with me as I grow my fashion blog, learn the ropes, and find balance.

If anyone have suggestions, comments, questions please feel free to reach out to me.

How do you find balance?

What sacrifices have you made this season?

If your a single parent growing your business or reaching goals how do you stay focused and inspired?


A scarified single-mother fashion blogger.




2 thoughts on “A Sacrificed Fashion Blogger

  1. I can totally rate! As a new blogger myself, I’ve already experienced writers block. It is a struggle to juggle work, being a single mom, and finding that creative time. I’ve also found myself trying to be as good as other seasoned bloggers, but I’ve come to realize that my reality is no one else’s, and if my point of view is able to reach one soul, I’ve accomplished something in this world of blogs.


    1. Well said. If we continue to stay focus and stay true to why we started blogging to begin with, the sky is the limit and soon we well be labeled as seasoned bloggers. Keep going and don’t stop shining your creative thoughts and ideas onto the world. Best Wishes!!


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