A Night at the Met Gala

A room filled with blooming flowers and high energy, from your host down to your cutest bartender; everything about the website launch was soothing. If that’s not enough, a night “At the Met Gala”displayed some amazing art pieces for purchasing in which you may find @architect_tdc. In the building was an abundance of girl power, from Atlanta was the wonderful and pleasant DJ @AdrienneEGO. Creativity, inspiration, and magical humans was the aroma for the night. Swanky D’s Fashion launched their website this past Saturday showcasing handmade wardrobe pieces including three different genres:

Vintage Chic

Modern Life (Newest Line)

Swank Life Rock n Roll Meets Country

What is Swanky D’s?

Swanky D’s is a modern vintage e-Commerce business geared to fashioning the trendy and curvy.

A look inside the Gala

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The cutest bartender ever!
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Plush is your spring color ladies!

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Yellow Goddess
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Swanky D’s Models
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Ms. Swanky (left) Model (right)
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Your favorite Freedom Flowers!

Swanky D’s has created a space for modern men and woman from all walks of life whether you’re a student, employee, or inspiring model…. be as free as you choose to be regardless of your race, size, or gender. Make sure you stay in the know for more with Ms. Swanky, you never know she maybe taking this around the world, perhaps Cali and NY. Thanks for reading and visit the website @ swankyds.com!

Blogging 101: In 2018!

Setting the goal is the easy part, but to actually meet the goal is the challenging and most rewarding of it all. One of my 2018 goals was to attend more blogging events and fellowship with like-minded bloggers. I met that goal this past weekend by attending my first @BlackBloggersUnited. I left feeling great, productive, and ready to tackle 2018 blogging goals.

The meet up was located at Octane Coffee Shop downtown Birmingham, held by director @busy_doingme. Bringing your laptop was advised to help guide you through questions and concerns during the discussion. Although having your laptop was not a requirement, pen, paper, and ambition would have done the trick too. The ambiance was set for networking, bloggers, business owners, and friends. I made plans to visit Octane in the past but never got around to actually going, so I was excited to visit this cool coffee shop! You had the option of grabbing a beverage to conversate ideas, comments, thoughts, and bloggers guru’s you should be following… speaking of such follow these beautiful bloggers listed below for awesome content.




January has been a crazy and busy month for me already, so a seat at the table with other black bloggers was exactly the motivation I needed to get me going again for creativity. I walked away with a page full of notes, tips, and a list of apps that I did not even know existed. When it comes to blogging there is never an ending, you are constantly learning and this is why I enjoy being in the same room with other bloggers so I can grow and pass my learning tools to the next.

Laughing and talking for hours about our weaknesses and strengthens when it comes to blogging/editing/photographs gave me a great insight on where I stood as a blogger. If your like me, sometimes it’s questionable on where you stand and the things you need to know and learn to advance. We discussed our goals for the week, month, and 2018. Although we come from different walks of life, we came together as one group of black woman who were willing to teach and learn.

Another goal I am working towards mastering; creating a nice flat lay. Check out my favorite pieces from Saturday’s meet up along with my first flat lay.

Thanks for reading! Remember to subscribe to my blog for the latest posts.

The Evolution of Confidence !

Being told no and having doors shut in your face can damage your spirit, if you allow it to do so. Being that my background is military, I traveled from state to state interacting with people from all walks of life and different races. I was oblivious to the fact of humans were being discriminated against not just because of the color of their skin, gender, or age but because of their body type. Now I have been discriminated against in my lifetime as we all have at some point, but that does not make it right and it sure as hell does not feel good. When you see a need for something you create space for that need and that’s exactly what took place in Birmingham on Saturday.

A seat at the table. Miss Pippen speaks!

I have plus size individuals surrounded by me frequently who are made to feel like their not good enough or not pretty enough for careers, relationships, certain friends and it’s saddening because usually that person heart is bigger, along with their personality, and characteristics. Every person should be made to feel like they are needed and accepted into a circle regardless of what they look like. We continue to fight for equality in many areas but today I want to focus on our plus size community. Miss Dee Pippen has created a platform for the plus size community A.P.I.C( Alabama Plus Industry Community) which met for the first time this past Saturday. People from surrounding areas attended the meeting with ideas, concerns, suggestions, and positive vibrations.

A.P.I.C. mission statement states and promises:

“To create events, inspire, challenge, acknowledge plus size women and men and build a platform for BODY positivity for the plus community in Birmingham, Alabama and all surrounding areas”.

I was honored to interview Miss Dee Pippen for the first meet & greet and here’s what she had to say about A.P.I.C.

  • Why was this platform created?

To build an avenue for talent. Do away with taboo. Plus size is more than just behind the scenes. So I want to include us not exclude us. 

  • What do you want to see come from this?

The evolution of Alabama to become a positive community and be put into a positive light. I want everybody to walk in their truth and purpose; nobody is hiding anymore.

  • Where do you see this going?

A.P.I.C will be a Go-To- Spot to teach and equip all plus size men and women to navigate their path with clarity, competence, and confidence. 

  • What advice would you give someone who maybe interested and is aware of the movement but still stagnant because of fear?

Call me, Inbox me. I am very personable. I want them to know you can be apart of this movement and continue to be a silent supporter.

Society has brainwashed our minds and made us feel like we are supposed to be barbies and Ken but with A.P.I.C. platform taking off into a different direction, we will value our people and encourage their development. There is room for everyone to participate and showcase their talents here in the city of Birmingham, if you have any interest please do not hesitate to reach out. Stay tuned for the uprising of A.P.I.C.!! This is just the beginning.

Thanks for reading and I hope to see more fearless individuals who embrace God’s gift.

You meant K-i-n-g!

On yesterday morning, the retail store H&M released a photo of a black boy wearing a hoodie stating “Coolest Monkey in the Jungle”. Hmmm some may wonder what’s the big idea? If your asking this question I’m not going into details but you may need to do some research, start with the Ota Benga story. 

The advertisement was not thought through, or do others just not give a damn? Or was this very strategic being that the Caucasian boy wore a giraffe sweatshirt. So many questions come into play. Where was this child parents?Not to bash the parents, but we have to monitor things better. Why would they sell their son soul for a check? Did one person on the advertisement team think to say this does not look nor sound good? 

Celebrity star The Weeknd took to social media saying he will not be collaborating with HM anymore.  I applaud him for taking a stand with our black community and so many others who disagree with the insensitive advertisement HM had to offer. 

Now of course the internet had to clap back. Seeing the negativity of one our black sons being called a “monkey” was a NO GO. Recreated art was made referencing the little boy as a king. We need the world to see what we see when we look at our brown skinned children. Could the cooperation not have thought of that? I mean to say something nice, positive, or appropriate?? Anything but a monkey. Is the universe that disconnected?

I stand for better treatment to the black community. I hope this is an eye opener for other large companies that plan to use black individuals as a marketing tool because we are not stupid and we are watching closely. Let’s do better, even if that means offering training sessions, adding a diverse team preferrably blacks, and investing time into past history so these kind of incidents won’t occur going forward. Let’s continue to break barriers!

Christmas Gifts Cost Me Zero Dollars

I wanted to let my people (you) in on my little secret hustle. Christmas season is a very busy time of the year. Some may start to plan early and even join savings clubs to accomplish gift buying. Well I did neither, but there’s more than one way to skin a cat. (I sound like my mother).

I was able to buy presents at zero cost to me. Truth is…  I took the route of collecting Wal-Mart receipts from purchases ; whether it be big or small. Something as simple as receipts allowed me to get ahead on some of my Christmas gifts this holiday season. As a single-parent I am always on the hunt for money savings ventures or even freebies. Once I did my research on the Savings Catcher Rewards Program I immediately started scanning. It was free, simple, and I was not losing anything so what the heck!

Scanning for me started in January 2017. What I did was saved my receipts, alone with my family and friends receipts because I refused to leave any money on the table during my journey, besides my love ones were only throwing their receipts away as I know some of you do too. That’s one reason I wanted to share this “hustle” secret.

How it works? 

  • Download the Wal-Mart app to your phone. (No Charge)
  • You will get a bar code icon at the top right; click it.
  • The options are to scan the receipts or type in the numbers from your receipts.
  • Then you submit. Simple right!

How much will you get back in return for scanning?

I’m sure your wondering how much money will you receive in return for scanning..? That depends on your purchases and how much you spend during each shopping visit. The Savings Catcher works against competitors advertisements. For example, if a competitor is running a better deal on an item that you purchased, Wal-Mart will give you the difference.

You have the option of cashing out on your reward dollars as early as you choose or you can do as I did and let the dollars build for the year and use them for Christmas gifts. You do have up to 7 days after your purchase to actually scan the receipts before they are no longer any good. During my journey,  I collected a total of $47 from January to December. As stated before it depends on how much you shop at Wal-Mart and what you are purchasing, you may collect double of my rewards throughout your journey. The cash out process is just as easy, you may have your dollars sent to an email address print the bar code offline from your email and take the print out to any register, allow the cashier to scan from your phone, or the dollars can be sent to a Wal-Mart gift card.

When using this app you can see:

  1. What have you purchased.
  2. What date it was purchased on.
  3. How much you will get back from that transaction.

Now of course this is not a get rich type ordeal, just an easy way to have extra bucks with little work and no experience. I felt the need to share this for anybody who wants to incorporate this into their 2018 plans or you could start as early as today. I plan to look into other companies for more opportunities such as this one. Hopefully since the cat is out the bag, this will help someone. Feel free to post, share, comment, and subscribe to my blog for future lifestyle/fashion tips.

What similar “hustles” would you like to share to help someone in their year of 2018? Sharing is caring!

Peace & Love until next time…

A Sacrificed Fashion Blogger

Lately I’ve had writers block. Not much to say, not much to think about outside of my actual personal life; such as parenting, bills, Christmas you know the whole nine yards. Shopping for myself has not been at the top of my agenda so therefore, I have been at a lost for words with nothing to post regarding my style, thrift finds, inspirations or any bargains.

When you go so long without writing, you stop believing in yourself. You begin to feel this sense of failure and you even become lost in the blogging community, or at least that’s how I felt. We battle ourselves daily, we talk ourselves out of success, and we dwell on the negative, when we are only cheating ourselves out of our birthright.

I did not do any Black Friday shopping, for one reason finances would not allow that secondly, I’m not for the madness. I’m sure there were plenty of deals and sales floating around that I could have benefited from and used for a blog post, but when you are a single parent, you think extra hard about needs and wants, you make your money last and you budget very precisely. Don’t get me wrong, my family is a huge support system but as a mother you always want to make sure you are making wise decisions and your children are put first and never being deprived of their childhood or fun activities so that leaves you to make sacrifices.

I sacrificed my blog this season to make sure my ducks were in a row…. I had and still do have plenty of great ideas floating in my head but as of right now I can not bring those ideas to life. Photo shoots have been on the back burner, along with personal shopping.

You see all these amazing posts and fashion bloggers and think WOW  he/she must be rich! …. but what I have learned is to never compare yourself to another blogger. Never become jealous or feel like you have to keep up with the Joneses because everybody’s situations varies and there is no such thing as a life that is better than yours.* {In my J.Cole voice.}

I will continue to create, build a better blog, grow my audience, and relate to others because that’s primarily why Clothesyourlegs was created. Sometimes a sistah just need time for spiritual maintenance so don’t leave or forsake me just go on this journey with me as I grow my fashion blog, learn the ropes, and find balance.

If anyone have suggestions, comments, questions please feel free to reach out to me.

How do you find balance?

What sacrifices have you made this season?

If your a single parent growing your business or reaching goals how do you stay focused and inspired?


A scarified single-mother fashion blogger.




Super-Size Your Winter!

Recycling is the way of life! Even with fashion trends. Making a comeback from the 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s in the millennium is trending big time!… One trend that I did not see coming is the “puffer coats”.

I was forced to wear one of these during my childhood times and now the puffer is being worn as a trend by celebrities and fashion guru’s. Now Missy Elliot was and still is my favorite female artist of all times. She started and created the trends of many being worn today, including the old puffer. 

First time seeing the swag of puffer jackets was with Missy on her Under Construction album that was released back in Novemeber 2002. One of my all time favorites by the way. Missy wore the baby pink puffer with Nikes and Kangol cap expressing herself through not only hip hop but fashion. 

Recording artist Missy Elliot

Your puffer coat has been seen wore as street-style fashion whether it’s with jeans, sweatpants, shorts, dresses, or skirts. 

Let’s take a look into the 2017 chic version of the puffer coat. 

Ri Ri giving levels to the puffer jacket.
Get casual.

The puffer may come in shorter or longer lengths. Colors may vary along with prices. 

Shorter version.

I recommend Burlington Coat Factory for lower prices or get lucky and try your local thrift shop. Can’t go wrong with a budget and a trend.


There is not an age on the puffer trend. Made for the young and old…

Red puffer.

There is not anything new underneath the sun only reincarnation… 

Will you be super-sized this winter? How will you wear your puffer coat? 

Hope you enjoyed reading and don’t forget to subscribe to the blog for more trends, tips, and ideas.

*Photos complimentary of Pinterest.

Food-Friendly Outfits for Thanksgiving Dinner 2017

Homemade dishes, good music, and unlimited beverages, family activities whatever you typically do to give thanks… get ready for it! 

Once you get done pigging out, you still want to look refreshed and have wiggle room in your clothes. I strive for comfortably when I’m getting dressed but especially around this time of year when I’m expecting turkey. Dressing comfy and cute takes some strategy. Allow me to give 5 tips without compromising your style this season.

  1. Oversized sweaters and leggings.
  2. Two piece jogger is perfect.
  3. A sweater dress and knee boots are comfy & chic.
  4. Anything with an eslastic waitband.
  5. Oversized skirts with sweaters/cardigans.

These 5 looks can be interchangeable so take a little bit of this and that and play. If your not a sweater chick go for a simple Tee shirt. Personally, I would stay away from the jeans at the dinner table unless they are the best stretchy pair you own.

Enjoy your holidays in and cute flirty wardrobe! Subscribe and thanks for reading.

What it means to be chick!

The beret hats are the most chickest thing I’ve seen. Chic, stylist, and warm for these cold days ahead.

I went browsing inside the mall a few weeks back looking for inspiration and ideas on how to upgrade my wardrobe. Seeing the beret hats I knew instantly this was what I needed in my life. The beret comes in different colors and even cute saying embroidered on the inside. Forever21 has plenty of styles from fur balls, chains, anything you could think of to jazz up your beret french style. 

Now as you know, I’m not into the “trends”. I dig the beret based off how fashionable and how well it fits my personality…. And their cheap! Let’s see how these ladies are rocking their hats.

The basic black matches everything.
Dress it and make it look sexy. Make a statement with a the fur faux coat and a boat.
Zoe Karvitz rocks her beret in a casual way.
Red is in. Find a pair of shades that match the beret.
Go teel.
Tee shirts will compliment your beret.
Go on and colorblock with your beret. Don’t be afraid!
Rihanna goes the extra mile with a leather beret.

You have the option of dressing your hat up or down. I also like the beret hats because they are unisex piece so try out the men’s department and find some even cooler patterns. I know for sure Forever21 & Amazon will have you covered if you decide to purchase your chic beret hat.

Thanks for reading. If you cop yourself a beret this winter, tell a sistah about it so I can compliment how fashionable you look. Maybe we can be twinzies!

Shout out to Pinterest for the photos.